Monday, November 23, 2009

Your Priceless Asset

Everyone has it, but very few use it. You need not go through a seminar to learn it, or invest a lot of money to acquire this asset. Using this asset can win friends and lighten up any tense situation. What is this asset? Well, stand in front of a mirror. Now, smile. A smile is free but it is priceless. Your smile says a lot about you and your personality.

A nice healthy smile reflects a neat and well groomed personality beaming with radiance and goodwill. However, a smile that shows nothing but a set of badly spaced crooked teeth rimmed with plaque does not bode well and speaks volumes about poor hygiene and is a very unwelcome sight to friends and foes alike. If you have a nice set of pearly whites, then rejoice and consider yourself blessed. Not everyone has that perfect toothpaste commercial smile, and for those of us who don’t then there is a ready solution for this simple problem. All it takes is a quick visit to a dentist.

Having your teeth cleaned regularly to remove deposits of plaque will not only improve your smile, but will also improve overall oral hygiene. Also, look carefully at your teeth the next time you brush before going to bed. Discolorations in the teeth can mean that cavities may start to develop and are really not that nice to look at. A dentist can whiten the teeth and at the same time try to fill in any cavities before these develop. Well, how about chipped or broken teeth? Perhaps a cosmetic dentist will be of some help here. A porcelain jacket or veneer would be “wrapped around” the chipped tooth to make it look a lot better. Also, this would make eating corn on a cob would no longer be an embarrassing moment.

There are several highly qualified dentists practicing in the Philippines. They are as qualified and as their foreign counterparts, and are up to date with the latest trends and technologies in cosmetic dentistry.


For those unfamiliar with this term, and that includes a lot of people, a veneer has something to do with plywood in making doors, walls, cabinets and furniture. However, a veneer is something much more than that. For those interested in aesthetics and want to have a really breathtaking smile, read on. A veneer is a thin film of porcelain or dental composite which is placed over the surface of a tooth.

Its purpose is to protect or restore it, and at the same time makes one’s tooth and smile look really nice and friendly. A smile is worth more than a thousand words, and a lovely smile will make a nice impression on anyone and can easily win new friends. Besides, what is the first thing you do when you meet someone? Instinctively, you smile. And your smile can make or break you. Would you want people to have that first impression of you as “the one with those discolored and chipped teeth”? Definitely, nobody wants that kind of impression.

And not only that. A chipped tooth, when left as it is, will soon become a rotten tooth. Ask any dentist and he or she will tell you that. So, before eventually losing a tooth and ending up with a silly toothless grin, why not have a veneer placed on that chipped tooth? It may cost a bit, but it will save you money on the long run. And bear in mind that unless you are 12 years old and you have lost all your baby teeth, teeth don’t grow back. So restoring or repairing a damaged tooth makes a lot of sense.

A cosmetic dentist can easily and quickly perform this task, so worry not about the gut wrenching and nerve racking pain of a root canal. And if you happen to be in residing in or visiting the Philippines, there are several highly qualified dentists who can perform this simple dental procedure.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some interesting facts about Dentists

The memories of early childhood are often unconsciously carried as one goes on in life, and this may be pleasant thoughts of running about in the school playground or less pleasant ones, like nervously waiting for one’s turn at the dentist’s chair to have a rotten molar pulled out. This memory is carried on to adulthood, thereby creating this unconscious fear of visiting a dental clinic. But one need not fear visiting a dental clinic and nowadays, it may even be as essential as going to a barber to have a haircut or to a beauty parlor to have a facial.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene not only is as important as eating the right kinds of food and getting the proper exercise, but is also a part of good grooming and aesthetics. Simply put, visiting a dentist to have one’s teeth whitened or having dental braces will have a rather profound impact in making one look a lot better. Now, who say’s that looking good and being healthy are two separate and distinct things? Cosmetic dentistry is not only deal with comprehensive oral and dental care, but also deals with optimally improved aesthetics and function.

It is not uncommon for some to spend a princely sum when it comes to simply looking good, and the same can be said when one is about to have a set of braces placed to correct a crooked set of teeth. However, although all licensed cosmetic dentist have more or less the same skills and are considered as competent with regard to their knowledge and capabilities, the rates charged for dental services vary greatly.

It is not surprising therefore that foreigner will often flock to the Philippines to visit a Filipino cosmetic dentist. Philippines dentist are as skillful, if not more so, than their foreign counterparts and more importantly, provide reasonable rates for the services they provide.

A Toothy Grin

Nothing is a pleasant to see as a toddler’s innocent wide eyed toothy grin. The sight of such is priceless and will readily wash away the troubles and worries in one’s heart and mind. However, the same cannot be said for an adult’s toothy grin. A smile is always a pleasant gesture, but the sight of bucked teeth with spaces in between may be oddly pleasant to a friend or a relative, but not so to one’s boss and office mates.

Photo Courtesy of Super Stock

One need not worry about this condition of having badly spaced teeth, for there is a simple remedy to this. A quick visit to a clinic of a cosmetic dentist is the first step, and it here were the dentist will examine the condition of the teeth and provide a suitable remedy.

Now, before childhood memories of the horror of having a rotten tooth extracted by the dentist surfaces to one’s conscious thought bear in mind that a cosmetic orthodontic procedure is not as painful as a root canal. More commonly performed cosmetic enhancements such as veneers are often painless procedures.

A veneer, by the way and with regard to orthodontics, is a simple procedure wherein an extremely thin laminate is bonded to the teeth. This will close the gaps between the teeth and may also hide ugly and unsightly discolorations. Although this may seem like a simple procedure, seeing the effects first hand will make a big difference not only in one’s appearance but also as to how one will be admired and looked upon by others.

As they often say, a first impression is lasting and a lovely smile will indeed make a very lasting impression. There are several highly qualified cosmetic dentists here in the Philippines, and their competency and professionalism is at par with cosmetic dentist around the world. Having a veneer fitted for that lovely smile by a Philippines dentist is just the same as having it fitted elsewhere, and for a more modest and reasonable sum.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Nice Smile

Everyone loves being greeted with a nice, warm and pleasant smile. And nothing enhances a smile more than a lovely set of perfectly set pearly-white teeth. Unfortunately, nature has not blessed everyone with a perfect set of teeth , and even those gems will eventually be discolored, chipped , and disappear one by one as time and age flow by.

But as with anything else, what Nature has bestowed upon may be developed and cultivated, and hence those with no so enticing smiles due to their unevenly set teeth with widely set gaps in between still have hope! A cosmetic dentist will readily provide a remedy for this problem. A cosmetic dentist does for teeth what the famous Dr. Vicky Bello does for skin.

Yes, a dentist does more than pull out teeth and fill in a rotting tooth. A certified cosmetic dentist can also make someone beautiful and whose services will provide contouring, veneers, bonding, dental bridge and a host of other orthodontic services. A quick look at any beauty pageant will show that those with a winning smile graced with a lovely set of teeth will always make it to the top ten. Not only beauty pageant contestants will benefit from nice looking teeth, but also everyone else.

Dealing with people, whether it be for business or any other social activity, requires not only the proper professional skill and attitude but is also a matter of personal presentation and appearance. In other words, a salesman with a nice smile is more likely to sell more of his products than one with a dour appearance on his face.

Among cosmetic dentist worldwide, Philippines dentists are well known for their competence and skill, as well as their reasonable service fee’s which they charge for their work. One need not sell an arm and a leg, so to speak, when having one’s teeth fixed when dealing with a Philippines dentist.