Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Nice Smile

Everyone loves being greeted with a nice, warm and pleasant smile. And nothing enhances a smile more than a lovely set of perfectly set pearly-white teeth. Unfortunately, nature has not blessed everyone with a perfect set of teeth , and even those gems will eventually be discolored, chipped , and disappear one by one as time and age flow by.

But as with anything else, what Nature has bestowed upon may be developed and cultivated, and hence those with no so enticing smiles due to their unevenly set teeth with widely set gaps in between still have hope! A cosmetic dentist will readily provide a remedy for this problem. A cosmetic dentist does for teeth what the famous Dr. Vicky Bello does for skin.

Yes, a dentist does more than pull out teeth and fill in a rotting tooth. A certified cosmetic dentist can also make someone beautiful and whose services will provide contouring, veneers, bonding, dental bridge and a host of other orthodontic services. A quick look at any beauty pageant will show that those with a winning smile graced with a lovely set of teeth will always make it to the top ten. Not only beauty pageant contestants will benefit from nice looking teeth, but also everyone else.

Dealing with people, whether it be for business or any other social activity, requires not only the proper professional skill and attitude but is also a matter of personal presentation and appearance. In other words, a salesman with a nice smile is more likely to sell more of his products than one with a dour appearance on his face.

Among cosmetic dentist worldwide, Philippines dentists are well known for their competence and skill, as well as their reasonable service fee’s which they charge for their work. One need not sell an arm and a leg, so to speak, when having one’s teeth fixed when dealing with a Philippines dentist.

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